...it's a "Dandruff Post"...off the top of my head...
SIR PAUL McCARTNEY AT THE WHITE HOUSE: PBS showed some of that program a little while ago, and I can't help but think, that this music has come of age, over and over and over again. This time around, President Obama and others participated in the rousing "Na-Na-Na-Na" chorus of "Hey Jude". That just absolutely boggles my mind. Who would've thought, "A Beatle At The White House" thirty or forty years ago? And it came to pass. It won't be that much longer before Macca turns 70, and that boggles my mind too. Part of me has long thought that he's a money-grubbing so and so, who just has to be out there making millions of dollars to add to the quadrazillions of dollars he always will have. But I also have to realize that in order to keep doing what he's doing, he is ultra-talented and something special, really. He's 68 now; his voice is still strong and has almost as much range as it did All Those Years Ago, and the songs are timeless. It's truly been a Long And Winding Road.
-CLOSED: THE CASE OF THE MISSING EYEGLASSES: If you've read this blog lately, you know that I had some trouble getting eyeglasses made by a local optical shop. Mucho problemas. I had paid them $700, a lot of that in advance, and after myriad eye examinations and three new pair of glasses, with none of them working out for me, they signed off on me: They gave me All Of My Money Back. Really. Talk about being shocked and stunned. They said they just couldn't come up with a workable prescription for me. They couldn't cut me a pair of lenses. Ironically, when I went into the shop that day, I was wearing a pair of no-line bifocals that I bought almost 10 years ago. And they're working just fine for me. So maybe I didn't need new glasses after all? Was the 'force' with me? I don't know, but it sure is strange the way things work out sometimes. I do have a sneaking suspicion they wanted to get rid of me and were glad to see me go. It's either that or me just being paranoid.
-NOT THE WAY I'D WANT TO LEAVE THIS PLANET: I barely remember this; I got the info from a newspaper two or three weeks back, but I'll do my best. There was some firm, some business that 'this guy' worked for, I guess, in a janitorial capacity, and one day he came up missing. Nobody knew where he'd gone. They searched everywhere, and 'nothing'. He was gone, and that was that. They finally consulted all of the security cameras posted in various places around the business, and the last anyone saw of him, on videotape, he was tossing some garbage into a dumpster, and after that, no more Video of him. He ended up falling Into a Trash Compacter. He was probably crushed into a neat little one-foot-square that doesn't take up much room at all. Perhaps he was automatically tied and bundled? That's not the way I'd wanna go...
-THE SAGA OF THE 2010 SEATTLE MARINERS: I'm one of those fans who Live and Die with the Seattle Mariners. The M's aren't on life-support yet, but they're close. The season is already half over. A full season has 162 games. Most of the division leaders usually end up winning between 80 and 100 games. This year's Mariners are ALREADY more than 20 games behind the division leader. The Mariners are, or seem to be, stuck at 39 wins. Yep, they haven't even won forty games this year. Pitchers have been melting down, the baserunning has been purely awful, and one of the team's starting pitchers has only won ONE game, while losing at least ten games, if not more. There are some who've ventured that perhaps Seattle's team has been playing on old Native American burial grounds or something, and that's gotta explain it. The Seattle Mariners are Haunted. What else could it be? Heck, that makes as much sense as anything else. And conversely, some players have escaped Seattle's clutches, and are doing better with the teams they're with now. So maybe there is life after death, or at least, life without Seattle...
-THE NEW COMPUTER AND HOW I'M DOING WITH IT: It's running Windows Vista. Everyone keeps saying how bad Vista is, but I haven't experienced it. Not yet, anyway. Tonight I was posting some music into files, and that function seems to be Easier with Vista. I also run free programs, such as the Comodo Firewall, and "Ccleaner" (which used to stand for Crap Cleaner but we can't call it that in these politically-correct times). "Ccleaner" can do a quick scan, or you can select the "Wipe Free Space" function that scours out your little corner of cyberspace. It also cleans the Registry which makes startup functions a bit easier and faster. So before you spend megabucks trying to fix your computer, know that you can Google such shameless searches such as "free firewall" or "free registry cleaner" and find there's lots of free places out there. I've downloaded a lot from "filehippo.com", for instance. One Important Thing: Stay out of Chat Rooms...they can infect your computer instantly. It happened to me last night. My computer began behaving funny, and my firewall got shut down by a virus. So I shut down the infected firewall, deleted it, and then downloaded it again so I'd have a clean copy, and then downloaded a free Windows Malware program. Malware is worse than Spyware. It's that bad.