Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Caution: This Posting may induce Mental Whiplash...
When I can't think of anything to post, I just toss a bit of this and a bit of that into the blog-vat, and this is what bubbles to the gooey surface. Such is today's posting. You've been warned.
DON'T MESS WITH MY BASEBALL! One of my favorite nights to watch Major League Baseball has been on Sunday Night, and that's been due to the excellent degree of rapport between announcers Jon Miller and Joe Carter. They kid around good-naturedly during the course of the game, and it's obvious both men, who've broadcast together over 20 years, have a high degree of respect for each other, and I've enjoyed listening to 'em for a long time. I've learned a lot about Baseball from these guys, and I'm kinda attached to them. In appreciation of that, ESPN axed both guys today, as if it's the announcers themselves who directly reflect ratings. While it may be true that Miller and Carter aren't the most photogenic announcers ever, they're A Good Team. I have enjoyed every game I've heard them broadcast. And this is just too bad. Smooth Move, ESPN...(Not!)
GOODBYE WINDOWS VISTA! I couldn't take it anymore. After trying to get comfortable with "Vista", and failing, I'm now running Windows 7, and it is so much easier to navigate. Plus, unlike "Vista", you can't accidentally delete your Recycle Bin! The Windows 7 defrag doesn't hide the details of what it's doing to your computer like that of Vista, plus Windows 7 Runs a whole lot faster than Vista. I've been told that Windows 7 is a lot like the allegedly-simpler-to-run Mac computers. In short, I think the tekkies who designed Vista were the kind of tekkies who specialize in fixing things that aren't broken. Anyway, Windows 7 is as enjoyable to run as the long-lamented Windows 95 (I'm carbon-dating myself there, aren't I?)
WHAT KIND OF 'REHAB' IS THIS? Okay, okay, I admit to being voyeuristic when given the chance. While observing sweet young things in bikinis can be difficult in person (I don't like to stare and embarrass myself or whoever I'm trying to look at), I can now accomplish this by watching TRU-TV's "Rehab Party at the Hard Rock Hotel", which features bikinis galore. Only, what kind of Rehab is this? They serve A-L-C-O-H-O-L. Maybe it's "Rehab from being sober too long?" And I frankly admit, if you're looking for a quality program to watch, this ain't it. Self-Evaluation department: Since women my age seem to get older and older all the time, I guess I'm turning into a hopefully-not-too-dirty Old Man. One thing in favor of the program: it makes having Expanded Basic Cable almost worth paying for...
IT'S THE RAINY SEASON: With the intense rain down here on the Oregon Coast, come the intense winds. Most of the time, I never feel a lot of wind around my house, because there are many trees between me and the coast which act as sort of a shield. So I'm all set. Right? Well, a by-product of the winds is "ZAP! Electricity off, In The Dark." And there I was, caught in the dark. After bumping my head and stumbling around my house like a temporarily-blinded Godzilla, I found that when it's dark, it's not exactly the best time to go looking for the Flashlight. So I guess I wasn't set after all. On the flip-side, this is the best time of year to go wave-watching. Crash! Boom! Bam! Watching the big waves is akin to seeing a Really Good Fireworks Show, only the explosive effects are generated by Nature.
I THINK I'LL WAIT FOR THE PAPERBACK: It's been brought to my attention that former Prezzident George W. Bush has a book out, titled something like "Points of Decision". So did he "decide" anything worth writing about? He was the "decider", after all. I thot that Bush Senior sounded idiotic with his "thousand points of light" speel. Bush Junior was lucky to have anything like a Pin-point of light every thousand days. George W. Bush would need to have the best ghost-writer around to elevate his musings to something resembling "Green Eggs and Ham". Rumor that "Points Of Decision" is being printed up by the good folks at Golden Books. His book will probably be a million-seller and how do I know this? Easy: Dick Cheney and his cronies will buy a million copies and sock 'em away in a storehouse. This book will probably become as essential in its own way as the plunger, or perhaps as innovative as trying to consume an ice cream cone by smashing it into your forehead. I have it on good authority that the working title of Dubya's book was "what I did during my 8-year vacation". Reading this book will add as much to your life as having cavities filled without novocaine, or perhaps chugging a bottle of cod liver oil while pirouetting in circles across your freshly-waxed green-and-red tiled floor. Don't slip! CRASH!!!
For anyone who may have missed the point, "Golden Books" specialized in Books for Kids. So why did Bush wait two years before coming out with his book? He needed time to collect enough cliches to string together...


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