Thursday, May 28, 2009

...always a good place to 'go fly a kite'...
Ah, the long weekend past...Memorial Day once again, and I guess it's good I'm publishing these photos now, since the 'next' weekend is virutally upon us...anyway, it was one of those 'Chamber Of Commerce' days down here, and one of those days when the sunshine is almost intoxicating, resulting in an Altered State Of Consciousness...hey, it can and does happen...anyway, I've stuck some photos in this post, with comments directly below each set of (2) photos. And, if you click on the photos, they'll get a tad larger...

Before actually getting to the beach, I thot I'd stop in at Davey Jones' Locker (no, the clerk doesn't have a parrot sitting on his shoulder) and pick up a few goodies (Usually a Pepsi and some Egg Rolls; this place has got the Best Deli Egg-Rolls EVER). And, when I got to the beach overlook, I checked out the scene from above. The umbrella you see on the beach, above right, was there all day; I'm not kidding, it was still there when I left just after sunset.

It was a day for recreational sailing, as the seas were very calm, although commercial fishing boats were out there, too. The Coast Guard radio station informs everyone of the tide forecasts, and when it's too windy, recreational vehicles are forbidden to cross the 'bar', out to the ocean.

The winds, however, were brisk enough for kite flying; even such superhuman-sized kites as pictured above; at left, you can see Mr. Kiteflyer wrestling with a stubborn kite, and in the end he met with success as you can see. No beachcombers were decapitated during the flying of this kite, I'm happy to report...

The out-of-focus photo at above left demonstrates how BIG this next kite is, compared to the little makeshift wind shelter its flyer erected. And he also managed to get his kite airborne, although it couldn't have been an easy kite to fly; it zigzagged around madly in the breeze. Maybe it needed a tail?

Above left, you can get an idea of the general beach environment on a sunny, breezy day. Another kite flyer had the Stars and Stripes on his mind, it being Memorial Day and all, for he flew the Stars and Stripes. Should I salute when I see such a kite? In the background are the rocks off nearby Chief Island.

In the middle of the above left photo, it looks like two kites are being suspended by one string; that's an airborne Dolphin you see in the centre. At right, another kite-person suspended this ominous-appearing 'skull and crossbones' kite. I guess it would be best, then, not to mess with the kite or its flyer. Maybe it's a "Hell's Angels" kite...

Above, at left, it was a battle of the kites, each seeking its own airspace. I personally haven't flown a kite in the last 4o years, but they're sure nice to watch. After a few hours on the beach, I went back above to the beach overlook, and caught this view (above right) of streamers suspended from a kite string. Fairly 'atmospheric' if you ask me...

Day was beginning to draw to a close...the tint in the sky was changing, the horizon began to look a bit misty, and our Winged Friends at above right were navigating to Wherever Birds Go in the evening. This was a day where I'd felt a bit mentally exhausted. I needed the moist sea air; all I wanted to do was sit and gaze. What a nice day for 'being', this day was.
Sunset, though, brought a surprise of its own. From the overlook, the horizon is about 25 miles out (as opposed to only about 8 miles out if you're on the beach). And way out there, 'twas a fairly massive cloud bank that the sun had to move through before setting. One faint last gasp of sunlight, and "doink", the sun was gone. Lights out. Just like that. Another day in the books...
Here's hoping everyone had a happy and safe Memorial Day. Summer Is Officially On The Way now. Let's hope for lots and lots of sunshine...


Blogger MarmiteToasty said...

I LOVE kite flying and watching kite fliers.....

Beautiful beautiful photos..


12:52 AM  

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