Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little Good News...
So good, it's almost unbelievable...

...but Believe It Indeed. A big plane goes down in the Hudson River after taking off from New York City's LaGuardia Airport; the Pilot touches down softly on the water's surface, and only one passenger was injured. Quite amazing. Barely a week into the New Year, we've already got a Highlight Item for "Best Stories of 2009". That happened the same day George W. Bush gave his farewell Prezzidential farewell speech, and he didn't mention the Airplane Incident at all. That resulted in MSNBC pundits accused him of living in a glass bubble, vacuum, birdhouse, or whatever. Although one of MSNBC's pundits was right-on when he said, "as much as American wants George W. Bush to get out of Washington, HE wants to get out sooner"'s gotta be hard to be George W. Bush these days. I'll bet Texas never looked so good to him as it does right now.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't part of the flight plan...

Just now, on Keith Olbermann's program, footage was shown of Vice Prezzident Cheney almost falling asleep during Bush's Tuesday night farewell address. This was a 12-MINUTE address. Twelve minutes. Much shorter than, for example, your average Graduation Address. I should know; I've sat thru three of 'em. Bah. AND I DIDN'T FALL ASLEEP DURING ANY ONE OF THEM. C'mon, Mr. Vice Prezzident. Your pacemaker will still keep ticking for a while; this ain't the time to be asleep at the wheel! Actually, I saw the back of Cheney's head as he was sitting in the front row while Bush stammered and prodded his way through his semi-unintelligible remarks to the Nation. And I thot, perhaps, that Dick Cheney was holding Bush's CUE CARDS. ZZZZzzzzzzz...or...and this is scary...maybe Cheney Wrote Bush's Farewell Speech, so he already knew what was coming...either way, ZZZZZzzzzzz...

Anyhow, getting back to the Airbus Incident in the Hudson River, it was pure genius, how that Pilot took 'er down for a little bit of airliner jet-skiing. Quite marvelous, in fact. Allegedly, the mishap was caused by Canadian Geese who flew into two of the plane's engines. Them geese ain't small birds, either. Ka-CHUNK! BONK! Grind, grind, grind; you get the idea. I have an idea on how to prevent such things from happening in the future. The geese flew INTO the plane's engines, right? Well, maybe, if the plane had been made to look like a giant goose, then perhaps the geese would have flown AFTER the plane, thinking it was the Leader Of The Flock, or perhaps a prospective mate, or whatever. And then there'd have been no splashdown incident (unless all the geese following it tried to mate with it at once).

What sparked off this idea? Certainly nothing of my own creation...I Googled "goose plane", and here's what I found...the world's biggest decoy...



Blogger Mari Meehan said...

Love the goose plane!

And loved the whole post. Wonder where Mrs. Cheney was! At least I didn't see her. And wonder where Bob Dole got his tan. Had a lot to look at since there wasn't much to hear!

12:12 PM  
Blogger Lil ol' me... said...

Bob Dole with a suntan? Did he trade in his Viagra for Coppertone?

6:51 PM  
Blogger Mari Meehan said...

I don't know but he sure didn't get it from sitting in a Cialis bathtub! They only seem to appear at night!

3:28 PM  
Blogger MarmiteToasty said...

Wow is that goose aeroplane for real? lol if so I LOVE it....


2:59 AM  
Blogger Lil ol' me... said...

Ms. Marmee, I fell short in the research department...I don't know if the goose-plane is real...I think it's more a case of good photo-shopping, but you never know. If it is, I can just imagine what male geese think of it: "What a BIG MAMA she is"

7:27 PM  

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