...THIS is what I do when I get desperate for stuff to post...
John Lennon was once asked, by some nosy, invasive reporter, how he got his ideas for songs he wrote. Lennon, obviously sick of the press, said, "I just shove a bunch of words together and then I just shove some music on." That's kinda how I wrote this blog post...
The World Series: So far, the Philadelphia Phillies are ahead 3 games to 1, which means they could win it all Monday Night. (Let's See...I've got two TV's; maybe if I hook them up side-by-side, I could watch the World Series and Monday Night Football simultaneously?) One of the big factors in the Phils' success in this series is Former Seattle Mariner Pitcher Jamie Moyer, the crafty Lefty who throws at Approximately slow-pitch softball speed. He got severely hit around in his first two post-season appearances, but his light shone brightly last night; he made it into the 7th inning, and all of a sudden the Phils had a win that no one thought they'd win. Congrats, I'm rooting for the Phils 'cos Jamie's such a good guy and no one deserves a World Series Ring More. Think of ex-Seattle Mariner in the World Series...which is about the only way one could Perceive That, since there'll never be any current Mariners in the Series for quite a few decades. Or Centuries.They probably didn't need to make the call: I got phone-solicited the other day by a lady who was calling in support of Barack Obama's campaign. She was obviously hoping I wasn't going to vote for John McCain. As if anyone will vote for him? Well, yeah, there's probably a few Republican diehards who will, but McCain's campaign has repeatedly shot itself in its collective foot, and the entire Republican Prezzidential Campain comes off as disingenuous, dunderheaded and in dissaray. I have never seen a political campaign conducted so amateurishly. Honestly, I'm tempted to vote a Straight Ticket this time around; I'm so disgusted with how the Republicans have been running the country. Some pundits out there are saying that Sarah Palin (who has vacant real estate inside her skull) is planning ahead for the Next Election. Huh? What? She has a worse chance of Ever Becoming Prezzident than Dan Quayle. At least Dan Quayle didn't come off as Evil. Quayle? Harmless. Palin? BAD NEWS. Go home, Sarah, and Spy On The Russians some more from your lofty perch in Alaska...
I had to get rid of a bird: I recently had posted that I bought Another Bird...I thought my Meyers Parrot (Little Jill) needed some company when I was away. Oh, my gosh, did the feathers fly. One parrot would attack the other, leaving me to wonder, why can't we all just get along? Maybe I should've stuck it out, but what with all the Doctor/Dentist things I'm going thru these days, I couldn't take the Parrot tension anymore...I would bring them both out at the same time so they could get used to each other, and maybe even play together...but things don't work out that way in the Bird World. You see, Little Jill has turned out to be very possessive of me, and saw the other bird as a after one last skirmish (where I got bitten quite hard by both birds), I just gave up and took the the other bird, a little Conure, back to the Pet Store, where they're selling him on consignment for me. Live and learn, huh?
If you try to mess with me, you've gotta deal with a Possessive Parrot and her finely-honed beak first!
I have to look at it this way: If Jill doesn't mind being 'the only bird', that's okay with me. She's a good little girl, she waits at home for me, and luckily for the rest of the human race, I never have company over, so she can't bite anyone. I wish I knew what parrots think, or what they feel, but one bit of information I've come across is true: Parrots are Wild Animals, no matter how tame you think they are. I have beak-punctures on my fingers to prove it. I'm frankly amazed at how parrots can become attached to people instead of other birds. Or maybe I'm just not used to things being attached to ME. That's part of it, probably.
Some things I'm Really Looking Forward To: Oliver Stone's movie, "W." is coming out very, very soon, if it hasn't already, and although I don't go out to many movies, this is one I've just gotta see. That's "W.", as in George W. Bush. Also, the new James Bond movie comes out in November. And finally, Paul McCartney is coming out with a new album, only it's not by McCartney although it IS. (???) The album is being released under a McCartney pseudonym, "The Fireman" (why he chose that name, who knows...). The first two "Fireman" albums were nothing more than new-age-type music spiked with Ambient Noise. This third Fireman album ("Electronic Arguments" is the title), has some McCartney vocals on it, reportedly. And on one song, he screams nothing but Bad Things About Heather, you know, the witch he divorced. I'm not a big McCartney fan these days, but, I'll buy anything new he records. Although he doesn't need my money. Not by a Long Shot.
A Wall Of Water: One of my favorite things to do is to Sit at the End Of The World. Well, it may not be the Actual End, but when I'm sitting waay up high on the rocks of the Jetty, where Ocean meets bay, I can actually immerse myself in nature, appreciating the winds, and the weather, and the natural beauty of it all. I can see Pelicans hunting and diving for food, ships passing by, smell the salt air, and just Take It All In. And it always makes me feel a bit better. So here's a view you don't see every day...from where I was perched, about a dozen feet above the ocean...a Wall Of Water...
A Wall Of Water: One of my favorite things to do is to Sit at the End Of The World. Well, it may not be the Actual End, but when I'm sitting waay up high on the rocks of the Jetty, where Ocean meets bay, I can actually immerse myself in nature, appreciating the winds, and the weather, and the natural beauty of it all. I can see Pelicans hunting and diving for food, ships passing by, smell the salt air, and just Take It All In. And it always makes me feel a bit better. So here's a view you don't see every day...from where I was perched, about a dozen feet above the ocean...a Wall Of Water...
Once, while sitting up here, the Winds weren't blowing in my favor; a Wall of Water similar to the one pictured above crashed into the jetty, sending Half A Ton Of Water Spray in my direction, and I felt like the entire Green Bay Packers Defensive Team had Landed On Me. I was soaked to the Gills in an Instant. I'll never forget that...
Sounds like your little birdie is right proper jealous of any attention you gave the other bird lol..... now, that is kinda sweet :) its nice to be wanted lol
Hi, Marmee...could be little Jill felt pressure where she used to a big room with lots of other screaming birds. Jill is a dignified dainty lady who is very quiet and loving. She's my 'only bird'. I just hope she's happy with me and doesn't get lonely for another bird. Birds do bond with humans, and that fascinates me. Why? We're so big and blobby, and don't have feathers, etc. One of the wonders of nature, I guess...
Marmee...when I had that other bird, I assumed I could play with him while Little Jill took her naps...but the minute I started playing with the other bird, Jill would put her head down and spread her wings, which is what she does when she wants attention. By playing with another bird, I almost felt like I was "cheating" on Jill. I'm a regular Andy Capp, eh?
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