Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe The Plumber...
...gets his fifteen minutes of fame...
Well, everyone's talking about him, so who am I to be different? I'm speaking, of course, about "Joe The Plumber", who was mentioned myriad times by both Prezzidential Candidates in the last dizzy Prezzidential dee-bate. And shortly thereafter, the News Organizations began focusing their evil eyes on poor ol' Joe. And talk about shining the Bright the Pressure-Cooker of Politix, the NewsPeople can cook yer goose faster than a Microwave Oven. And that kinda
happened to ol' Joe here...
Hey, Joe...where you goin' with that Wrench in yer hand?
John McCain immediately began referring to Joe The Plumber in the latest Debate. Yep, Mr. McCain sure seemed to be concerned about him. After all, in Joe The Plumber, McCain finally found someone more BALD than he is. So, imagine, this plumber from the Great State of Iowa; one day he's busting open someone's bathroom floor, trying to get at all the Toilet Connections...then the next, he's trying to fight off all kinds of ultra-invasive News People who clamored, breathlessly, for a chance to get a scoop on the Nation's Newest Celebrity.
Perhaps this whole thing will turn out great for Mr. Joe The Plumber. I can just see it now...during the Super Bowl, we'll see Joe the Plumber in a Roto-Rooter ad, perhaps. Maybe Joe can license his image, and then maybe Tidy-Bowl will win the rights to make those little Toilet Freshners, you know, the ones that clip inside the bowl, and the 'cake' will be round, just like Mr. Joe's bald head. (John McCain already has the market cornered on Pillsbury's "Doughboy" image.) Maybe, one day at your local Mega-greedy-Mart, in the plumbing section, you'll find "Joe The Plunger", replete with Joe's smiling visage on the label. And Joe will be a millionaire, living out the American Dream, as few of us who even Dare to Dream come even remotely close to doing.
But before I get too carried away here, I must point out that Mr. Joe's fifteen minutes of glorified fame might have just run out. Due to the harsh scrutiny of the "kick-em-when-they're-up, kick-em-when-they're-down" media, it's been revealed that ol' Joe has a Tax Debt. And, he's not even Really A Plumber. He doesn't have a Plumber's license. And I had dreams for ol' Joe The Plumber. John McCain could boot Sarah Palin offa the ticket, and bring ol' Joe aboard. Joe The Plumber. Just the guy who could fix LEAKS. That would've fit somehow, in a Repubblican administration. Well, that's all shot to hell now. Joe's credibility is an issue. 'Bye, Joe...
Once my pipes burst in the dead of winter. I called a plumber and got one to come out "after hours" to fix things. It took him the better part of an hour to get things fixed. But since he'd driven 25 miles into town (he was home when he got called out), there went the better part of $300. Plumbers are like doctors; only Plumbers don't work on Living Things...I guess I should be grateful that Plumbers Still Make House Calls...


Blogger The New Arch Druid's take on the news said...

That was ridiculously funny. How about swinging by for my own more serious take on Joe the Plumber?

8:16 AM  
Blogger Mari Meehan said...

Having just returned from Iowa, I can tell you first hand there are a lot of "them" (Joe the Plumber types) there!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Lil ol' me... said...

Mari, the economy is so weak that soon everyone's going to be a plumber, while at the same time, a janitor, a fast food worker, babysitter, odd-job person and so on and so forth. In other words, a glorified way of saying, "will work for food". So anyone who knows a little about plumbing will be like ol' Joe, and I wouldn't be s'prised if he does other stuff besides plumbing just to put beans on the table. In America, you can succeed, if you have a job...and a job...and a job...and a couple other jobs...

Archie, I'll go over and take a look at your druid thing...although, how can anything about this be serious? It was in the Prezzidential debates, which is sort of an inept forum for standup comedy...

7:17 PM  

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