Welcome to my Clog...er, BLOG...
(This is what's known in the biz as a "QUICKIE" post...)
*SHE'S A TRAIN WRECK: Is it just me, or does Republican Vice-Presidential candidate SARAH PALIN sound Just Incredibly Dumb? On another forum, I called her an Idiot, a process which I'll repeat here. In my life, I have never called a woman an Idiot before. Something about puttin' 'em on a pedestal, I guess. Anyway, I've seen interview-fragments where Ms. Palin can't seem to speak with any logical-ness at all; sometimes, the woman can barely complete a sentence. Last night, I saw portions of Katy Couric's interview with Palin. And I had to turn away from the TV screen; like a train wreck, it was difficult to watch. Then I heard it said on Keith Olbermann's show, that it's an insult to Small-town America that Sarah Palin identifies with them. No, most small-town folks are WAY SMARTER...
*AND NOW, THE TOTAL IS 101: The Seattle Mariners lost their 101st game tonight. Three more games to go in a 162-game season, and, the Mariners have won 58 games. Fifty-eight. They are now 41 games out of first place. The Mariners are about as successful of a Baseball Team as Sarah Palin is in High Politics. (Nice tie-in there, huh?) Can the M's get 60 wins by the end of the season? I'll bet Las Vegas Oddsmakers are all over this one! (NOT.)
*WHAT IS JOHN McCAIN DOING?: Did anyone else see the clip of the David Letterman show, on which Dave said John McCain, who was supposed to be a guest, called him and said he had to cancel his appearance to rush to the airport and fly off to Washington, D.C. to save the economy? (A summit meeting or some such thing.) Dave thanked him for calling anyway...turns out, tho, that Letterman had access to the "live" feed of CBS in which McCain was on a set with Katie Couric, while makeup was being applied to 'whatever that thing is' on his jaw. Not exactly rushing off to D.C., eh, John? Mr. McCain, Do You Just Want To Concede The Election NOW?
A CASE IN COMPARATIVE ORNITHOLOGY: I've posted probably waaaay too much stuff about Jill, my little 5-year-old Meyers Parrot girl. She thinks I'm a bird. She tries to give me food from her beak; this is how parrots show affection. It's a bird thing. The other nite I was sitting in the ol' La-Z-Boy eating Sun Chips...she was sitting on my shoulder. And she began taking the chips out of my mouth! So now she'll squawk if I don't give her at least a few crumbs out of my mouth. Yeah, I know, "Gag." Well, so far, she hasn't got sick and I haven't come down with Bird Flu. Anyway, here's a picture of Little Jill feeding her face...
And, below, you'll see an Actual Postage Stamp depicting a Meyers' Parrot. The Meyers' is an African parrot; there are six subspecies, but you'll notice the coloring in the stamp below and the picture above are indeed quite similar.

I must confess I haven't kept up on my geography; I know "Bophuthatswana" is located somewhere in Africa, but am not sure where. Maybe it doesn't even exist anymore. The names of countries in that continent have changed so many times, I can't keep up with them anymore. You could say I'm inexperienced in Foreign Affairs. Well, I'm no worse off than Sarah Palin, even though parts of her state, Alaska, lie only 53 miles from the Soviet Union. In one of the sentences she tried to complete (remember the Couric interview?), she managed to point out that, well, different countries happen to lie next to each other, and since her state lies close to Russia, that makes her an expert. Or something like that. Lies indeed.
THIS NEXT PHOTO DIDN'T MAKE THE CUT: That's why it's posted HERE. Think of this blog as a sort of clearing-house, and once in a while, I've gotta sweep up all of the accumulated bits, bytes and nibbles lying (laying? Politicians "Lie", after all) around in my Files. Well, I took some more Oregon Photos today. And, I added them to the "Oregon Photos" link (see Left Margin)...anyway, here's ONE sample of what you'll see should you Click The Link...
Only two weeks ago, the sun was setting in a location approximate to the extreme right side of this photo. All of a sudden, we're losing a lot of daylight here. It seems like the days just kinda start to Fizz Out in September, sorta like what's happening to the McCain Ticket's chances of Winning The Election...
It was speculated (again, on the Olberman program) that maybe McCain was talking to Katie Couric because she had enough money in her own bank account to Save The Nation. Damn them 'politicks' anyway...they just keep nosing their way in here, clogging up my blog. Wait...maybe this whole blog is a clog. Ah-ha...now things are starting to (almost) make sense.
Yes, I watched the Katie Couric interview, and found it very painful. It is like Sarah Palin keeps saying the same thing over and over again in different ways, as different questions are asked of her, and Couric seems a bit frustrated, and not very amused. Oh dear....
Love the photo of Jill :)..... she maybe needs a Jack to keep her company lol...... lovely sunset pics as per usual.....
Will write soon, aint had time of late to scratch me bum.... god tots starting school so back and forth to the infants school 4 times a day LOL.....
ps...... I just got back from Southsea picking lads up from the skatebowl there (its a bugger being the parent with the big enough car to fit in 4 lads plus their 4 bmx's lol) and as we drove along the seafront the sun was going down and I thought of you and took hopefully is a lovely photo.....
" She thinks I'm a bird. She tries to give me food from her beak; this is how parrots show affection. It's a bird thing."
Didn't you tell me not too long ago that birds don't understand love or affection??? Lol!
SVgirl...I read a column by a lady author that said "Sarah Palin is in way over her head"...again, written by a Fellow Female...
Marmite...since Egg-Laying is just about the most strenuous thing a bird can do, maybe she doesn't need 'jack'...when I take her out in public, anyone who puts their finger up to her risks a beak attack...little Jill's defending me...
Mari...I'm not sure "bird affection" equates to love, in that us Humans distort all kinds of things for the sake of that little four-letter-word, whereas animals are more 'automatic' and 'instinctive'. Maybe we should all be more like animals...on one hand, yeah, 'you got me' but on the other hand, 'I'm not so sure'. I do waffle, don't I?
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