Maybe it's just a"SHAM"? Wow...
The Most Irritating TV Commercial far, that is...
When someone is selling something, especially to the masses tuning in on their soon-to-be-obsolete non-digital TV sets, isn't it important that the person selling that product at least have a little bit of appeal? I'm sure you've seen those ultra-annoying ads for a thing called "Sham-Wow", if you watch the cable channels as much as I do. It's not bad enough that I'm having to endure a commercial for something I'd never consider buying in a zillion years, but the ragged-looking cheeseball that's selling the Sham-Wow product has got to be one of the most obnoxious characters I've ever SEEN selling something on the tube. He's even more obnoxious than Billy Mays, the guy with the black beard and whining, grating, screeching loud voice who's on the tube hawking every kind of wonder-widget-thing ever made. And believe me, when you're more obnoxious than Billy Mays, THAT'S obnoxious...

All I know is that the guy's first name is Vince, and I have never seen such a cheesy, sleazy, lower-than-your-average-used-car-salesperson-type hawking a product in all the time I've been watching TV. And believe me, I've seen a LOT of TV. This guy is so AWFUL that he has to actually throw out a bitchy remark to the TV crew filming him...halfway thru the commercial he barks out, "you following me, camera guy?" Toward the end of the commercial, while making a painfully obvious point about the indispensability of his product, he shrugs and says, "I don't know; it sells itself"...which makes me think what he's really saying is, "You're an IDIOT if you don't buy my product." While ol' Billy Mays makes me run for the remote, ol' Vince, here, makes me wanna throw a BRICK thru my TV!

All of a sudden, I've realized I don't need just one "Sham-Wow"; I want CASELOADS of them. I'll then ship them to New Orleans where they can suck up all the moisture deposited by Hurricane Gustav. And, best of all, you can just stack 'em up in one place near the city somewhere, and they'll miraculously suck up all the water that's soaking Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and several other southern states (that is, if ol' Vince is to be believed).
Finally, in reference to my jab at Used Car Salesmen, a little humor...
SALESMAN: "Start 'er up; this car's a real Opportunity."
CUSTOMER AFTER STARTING CAR: "Well, that's for sure; I can hear it KNOCKING."
(Like I said, a 'little' humor...)
Wow! You watch these things a lot more closely than I do. I can't get beyond wanting the Grecian Formula distributorship for Billy!
Hi, Mari...I guess when you've seen the same commercial at least 700 times over the last two weeks, little things sorta have a way of jumping out at ya. Especially when some alienating WEASEL is trying to push his product on me!
ACK ! That Billy guy is nauseating....the voice is bad enough but the hand gestures make me cringe....
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