ANYONE can write a blog...
...but not just anyone can write TV commercials...
I must admit, I do like good TV commercials. That's why I stay with my Auto Insurance Provider. Yep, the "Gecko" has taken in a lot of my hard-earned cash over the years. All the other insurance companies beg and plead with me..."COMPARE OUR RATES! ARE YOU IN GOOD HANDS? SAVE MONEY WITH US! FOUR OUT OF FIVE DOCTORS HAVE OUR INSURANCE!" (Okay, I fibbed a little bit with that last claim. Most doctors are rich enough to buy their own insurance companies.)
Gosh, I remember so many old TV about Alka-Seltzer's old '60s commercials, showing the Jiggling Stomachs of people, as the announcer intoned the phrase, "No Matter What Shape Your Stomach Is In"...that was such a popular commercial, that a Los Angeles Instrumental Group, "The T-Bones" actually had a 1966 HIT with the extended version of that commercial's music. I remember the jingles from a lot of old Cigarette Commercials ("You've Got A Lot To Like with A Marlboro...filter, flavor, pack or box", for instance. And who can forget the old Wendy's Hamburgers commercial featuring that old lady shouting, "WHERE'S THE BEEF?" Immortal ads, those.
I had an idea for a commercial once, and I'm surprised no one ever thot of it. Either that or someone did submit the same idea and it ended up in the reject pile. I've always had visions of an Arrid Extra-Dry deodorant commercial with background music paraphrasing a song by Chicago that came out in the early 1980's..."You're the ROLL-ON in my life...You FIGHT PERSPIRATION" 'bout it, Madison Avenue? You can Steal this idea if you want. HERE IT IS!!! Okay, it's a bad idea, isn't it? Sorta like the other gem-of-wisdom-type of idea I had recently...

Swiped from If I don't attribute, they'll sue for my royalties...
This idea was rejected because the Powers That Be figured that the ASPCA wouldn't take kindly to the depiction of Feline Extortion...I guess it's back to "meow-meow-meow-meow"...because Cats Ask For It By Name, after all. Which I must admit, is a pretty intelligent slogan.
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