This is a FAIR AND BALANCED blogpost...
Yep, we're covering both sides of the political spectrum here...
I listen to quite a few newscasts, both on radio and TV, and whenever I hear one of those little update blurbs from the Fox Network, they always close their 'newsbits' with the phrase, "Fox News...fair and balanced." In other words, Fox is trying to tell the Public that they're not what they know people think they ARE. Or if Fox News IS actually unfair and unbalanced, they don't wanna admit it. Can't blame 'em. Who'd wanna admit that? It's like when someone tells you, "I'd never do a thing like that" most cases, well, they WOULD do a thing like that but they don't want you to know they would.
So, if the Fox Network has to tell people that they're not a fascist-oriented news organization who've added to their staff many of those who were laid off from the now-defunct WEEKLY WORLD NEWS (the paper that would tell you that Elvis and Eleanor Roosevelt have gotten together up in Heaven and are hatching a three-eyed, wart-covered baby with five arms and a head the size of a medicine ball), well, then I guess I'd better tell everyone right now that I, too am fair and balanced. Although my psychiatrist might wonder about the "balanced" part. But, with this posting, I have sought to bring you both sides of the political spectrum, presented nowhere else as it's presented here...
First, we go behind the scenes at last night's all-important State of the Union speech; important because it's the last chance we'll have to endure President Bush wriggling around in front of the cameras and assembled political bigwigs like a cockroach trying to dodge a Rid-Ex pest controller...
All the talking heads who believe they are so wise, but they're mainly just reading words someone else has written for them on cue-cards said the real "show" at last night's speech was "the changing of the guard"; the new image of the Democratic Party manifesting itself even as the old guard, the old party, and the sorry excuse we have for a Prezzident were bowing out with its last State of the Union message. Am I "fair and balanced" yet? I'm trying, I'm trying...
Next up, we have the Prezzident hisself in action. Despite all his shortcomings, he might actually believe he's doing the right thing, keeping the Iraq war going the way he has. Maybe he believes he's a man on a mission, and that even at this late hour, he will finally find a way to convert the masses to his way of thinking. If indeed he's thinking. The jury's still out on that one. But he's got a message, and he's spread it far and wide, and continues to do so, every chance he gets...
From day one, I've been Anti-Bush; he seems to bring out that trait in me. At the same time, I guess we were all hopeful, that time the TV cameras showed us The Mighty Bush on top of a heap of 9/11 rubble, telling us all that whoever was responsible was gonna get it, and get it good. And then, to prove that, he launched an attack on Iraq. The Wrong Country. I suppose he did what he believed he should do. And his approval ratings reflect that. I'm just waiting to see if there is such a thing as a less-than-zero approval rating. And we may yet find out. That's probably why Dick Cheney doesn't run for Prezzident...he knows his approval ratings approach that of the average axe murderer.
Sure, it's fun to poke at the Prezzidency, but sadly, things are as bad, if not worse, than more intelligent satirists than me dare imagine. So we're gonna have "change" in November. That's what we're already being told. Let's hope that the current meaning of "change" doesn't involve the three words, "stay the course". John McCain's already saying that. Shudder.
DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended in any way to be a substutute for a normal balanced diet. It will definitely not reduce the risk of cancer for those who smoke while reading it, and is not designed to take the place of normal medical procedures involving gastritis, shingles, migraine headaches or dry, peeling skin, the symptoms of which may actually be worsened should you spend too much time reading my stuff. Easy payments. Come as you are. No salesman will call. If I've determined you're eligible and you still don't get it, I'll give it to you free of charge. One size fits all. Terms available. No more embarrassing moments. This is your big chance. Don't miss it. Above photos ripped off from for your reading and viewing enjoyment.
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