...but, I FORGOT where I PUT IT!!!
Hmmm...pretty blatant blogpost title there, huh? Thing is, I had made all kinds of notes about what I was gonna post today. Me, with pen in hand, reading the newspaper, jotting down all kindsa stuff that I was gonna comment on. And when I got home, the pocket I thot I'd put my notes in was empty. So now I hafta type from memory. I think my one working brain cell's gonna get a workout, for sure.
How to "fake it" thru a blog posting dept.: Rule #1: Don't let 'em see you sweat. Rule #2: When there's a lack of information, shove a picture in there, that'll keep 'em fooled. So, that's what I've done here...

I guess we can go ahead and do it now dept.: There are those who say that Prezzident Dubya Bushed oughta be impeached because of his terrible handling of the war, terrible response to the Hurricane Katrina situation, alleged non-approved telephone spying and various other things. I had thot, "no, don't do that! If Bush gets impeached, we'll be stuck with Dick Cheney, the veep, as our (fearless or not) leader!" Well, you've all heard about Cheney's hunting accident over the weekend. He accidently SHOT one of his hunting buddies (or maybe someone he didn't like all that much)...after all, who wants a gun-toting maniac in the White House, other than Charlton Heston and the NRA?) and instead, pick someone from Congress who can do as good a job as Bush. Such as the guy who sweeps the floors after Congress locks up for the night.
I don't think they actually "settle" dept.: I guess that so far, the press is really disappointed with the fact that in the Winter Olympix so far, the U.S. hasn't won a heck of a lot of Gold medals. Oh boy! More BAD NEWS to sensationalize! DROOL!!! And, when an athlete, who has trained years and years and made countless sacrifices to get to where he/she is, DOESN'T win a Gold Medal, but they finish "2nd", what does the press say? That the athlete has had to "SETTLE" for a silver medal! "SETTLE"? That makes it sound like a silver medal is some sort of cheap consolation prize. Like, it's "not enough", like somehow the athlete owes the country more than just a Silver Medal. Out of all the athletes in the world, what percentage get to go to the Olympics, much less win a medal of any kind? I never "won" a marathon, but I have 11 "Marathon FINISHER" medals. I'm proud of those! And, a "Silver" medal should be something to be PROUD of. Whenever I read that an Olympic Athlete "settled for silver", it just makes my blood boil!
Does anyone really care about these kinds of games dept.: I guess the "Pro Bowl" football game was held in Hawaii this weekend. How does one end up rooting for one team or the other, seeing as how each squad features athletes from several different teams? I've watched a few of these games in the past; they're more like "football players' conventions" where members play an obligatory quarter or so of football, and then just kinda goof around the rest of the time. Does anyone care who wins? Unless there's some monetary incentive, do the players themselves care who wins? I would tend to think that there's more genuine action in yer average televised poker tournament than in the "Pro bowl"! I would daresay that CURLING (that really weird foreign version of ice-oriented shuffleboard) is more exciting! Which, brings up an ironic point: "Curling" is an Olympic sport, and Football...isn't.
The great Coeur d'Alene Lake mystery photo! dept.: I get a lot of my photos from postcard merchants on Ebay, and there's a lot of Coeur d'Alene memorabilia scattered around the world, I'm finding out. Of course, a merchant from far, far away isn't necessarily gonna know a lot about our locale...to wit...

...the Ebay merchant who had this postcard photo for sale only specified that it was a photo of Lake Coeur d'Alene; okay, well, he's probably correct, as far as he went. But where would this be on Lake Coeur d'Alene? I have absolutely no idea. Although, I sure would like to own that cabin you can see in the upper center; it looks placid, peaceful, and tranquil. It was probably worth about $10,000 back in the '50s, which means it's probably worth 25 gazillion-dollars today, what with the way property taxes have been going up for lake properties. (Social comment, there!) If you know where this property is/was located, lemme know. We can all share the knowledge, if not the wealth.
As I reflect upon this post, I can't help but think that someone, somewhere, has found the notes I made for today's post, and they're thinking, "what the HECK is this all about?" What you've seen here is "some" of what I made notes about. The rest is pure ad-lib...as is painfully obvious.
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