Friday, February 24, 2006

CURLING? You Gotta be KIDDING!!!
Ain't that just about the strangest sport you've ever seen?

It's all the rage at the Olympics, though. Break out your brooms and skate alongside your precious curling stone as you try to knock your opponent out of contention. What goes thru the minds of the players as they realize they're basically playing "glorified shuffleboard"? Here's a possible answer...

The curling stone travels at approximately one-quarter of a mile every three hours. Athletes skate alongside the stone, trying to navigate it with strange-looking brushes. Bonk, bonk, bonk, goes the curling stone as it strikes the opponent's stone on the curling ice. Probably good training, though, if you plan to take a cruise around the world and you end up playing shuffleboard on a ship. I can't believe this is actually classified as a SPORT, but, oh well!

Here's another photo-spoof; obviously, any photo of dogs behind the wheel is gonna generate all kinds of comment, so I've provided mine here. Kinda looks like these boys want to ride the "Gravy Train", huh? I also stole this photo from "Huckleberries Online", and indeed, how could I NOT spoof this photo? And it does kinda look like the dog behind the wheel is indeed concentrating on his driving!


Blogger Word Tosser said...

watching curling is like watching grass grow...

Dog picture and sayings were great!!

10:15 PM  
Blogger Lil ol' me... said...

Hi again, Cister...I always liked the ski-jumping and slaloms when I used to watch the Olympics, but these days, I don't much care. Me, I'm waiting for baseball season. Arf!

2:51 AM  
Blogger Jinx said...

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11:19 AM  
Blogger Jinx said...

I read recently that curling is actually becoming a popular sport.
I have a friend who goes to tournaments a few times a year.
but really don't care to watch any sports.
I have a problem with grown men being paid millions of dollars to play a kids game.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I read recently that curling is actually becoming a popular sport."
- News flash: curling already IS a very popular sport.

"I have a problem with grown men being paid millions of dollars to play a kids game."
- Halle-frickin-luja to that. One important note: no professional curler is ever in that category.

7:46 AM  

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