(Another photo I couldn't resist tampering with...)
"One Sunny Afternoon whilst
Driving Down a Local Thoroughfare"...
Gasoline prices have dipped back down a bit lately, haven't they? The Exxon Station up by I-90 on 3rd Street was selling the stuff for $2.14 a gallon. Not baad, all things considered. However, I've seen news reports that take into account the relative downturn in gas prices, citing that, after all, this is not the "peak season" for gasoline consumption. Which means, dear motorist, take care against being lulled into a false sense of security...when the weather gits better, gas prices are goin' back up. How much? Who knows...but let's hope it doesn't get THIS bad...

I must admit that I stole this photo from "Huckleberries Online" (www.spokesmanreview.com/blogs/hbo); my humble apologies to Mr. Granati, who took this picture. DON'T LEAVE THIS BLOG YET! My next posting contains my NEW DESIGN for the NEW IDAHO LICENSE PLATE!
great work with the photo! I sometimes feel that I'm filling up my car one drop at a time.
Thom George
Thanks, Thom...if you have the right programs in your computer, you too can deface photos for your own devious purposes~
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